Saturday, March 18, 2006

Strange Phenomenon

I am back after a long gap.As I am writing this I am still thinking why haven't I blogged for such a long time.The answer as I think is a strange phenomenon which I discovered long back but confirmed recently.I still haven't given it a name(suggestions are welcomed)

We all love games,right.Be it indoor or outdoor or computer games.But why is that the urge to play them rises more and more only during examination time .I play them even on normal days,but I play a lot during exams.If u observe all my previous blogs were written within a span of 1 week and that week happens to be my examination week(Mid-Term Exams).The last day of our exams was March 3(which is also the last day I blogged here). After that I rarely felt like blogging.I stopped playing those games which I played so extensively during that week.I even get the best dreams/sleeps only during examination time.i do/try new things during this time as if there was no time later. When I first started observing this,I thought I had some serious problem, but lately I realised that many of my frds too experience a similar feeling.

We gave a serious thought as to why this happens.The only logical conclusion we cud come to was that "during exams we stress ourselves a lot and the mind(esp MY mind) which is accustomed to relaxing tries to remain in the same state( Newtons Law of hence we play/sleep/dream/indulge in new acivities more during the examination period".

hmmm....I have 3 projects to submit and i am happily blogging(hey this confirms my phenomenon again).

He he he...Me and my Lazy Brain,we never change.........


Viswanadh said...

This is the case with most of us . We feel like doing all sorts of stupid things at the adventof exams since we aren't , most of the times , not willing to take up the exam . Since most of us have the same problem so as per realtive grading we'll score the same . So chillax brother .

Ravi Kiran said...

Since most of us have the same problem so as per realtive grading we'll score the same . So chillax brother .

I am not bothered abt the marks brother nor am i unwilling to take/give an exam. It is just that i want(my mind) to relax more at that time.