Thursday, December 18, 2008

Books : Worthwhile Addictions

In the past 2 yrs I picked up a new habbit/hobby/timepass.
I used to read Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Sherlock Homes etc, when I was young. Although I really liked reading books(Unfortunately the same is not true abt my Academic reading Habit :D ), I stopped reading them when it occured to me that I was too old for them. I never picked up any book again except for film magazines and an occasional peep into my TextBooks.

It was sometime around April and June of 2007 that I got reacquainted with my old Love , Courtesy Ajay .V who gave me his copy of "The Afghan - by Frederick Forsyth" . Here I have to mention one thing. This was during the time my Intership in HP was abt to get over and I had to start preparing for my Final Placements. But Confirming My Discovery that I have already mentioned in my previous post (see Strange- Phenomenon ) , instead of preparing for the placements I was looking for some refreshment, which this particular book gave me in abundance.

I instantly liked the book and made Ajay my Official_Book_Buddy. I kept on reading many books after that. My initial thought was that, this habit will fade away after I get placed. But to my own surprise , I haven't stopped yet and I am thoroughly enjoying my fling with books.

I donno how to describe this feeling but there is something magical about books. I simply cannot stop myself from going on a book-propagation-spree , when I find someone who is even remotely interested in books. I have changed and also filled few Vaccant spaces in my brain with credible info through various books. The last 3 Books that I have read (The Odessa File , To Kill a Mocking Bird , Anne Frank : The Diary of A Young Girl) are all different, yet thought provoking. If only people realize the essence of such books, this world would have been a much better place to live.

More abt these books in my later posts ...

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